OmniWin is the most user-friendly CAD/CAM software for programming cutting machines.

OmniWin 2024 is effective and economical for small quantities in mechanical and apparatus engineering as well as for just-in-time contract manufacturing with changing quantities in contract cutting companies.

OmniWin 2024 combines the highest technical flexibility with fast, efficient processing. At the same time, you will reduce your costs by minimizing material usage. The integrated operation with CAD, import and nesting for vertical and beveled parts permits a dramatic simplification of your working processes.

OmniWin 2024 is effective and economical for small production runs in the machine and manufacturing industry, as well as in just-in-time manufacturing with changing quantities at custom cutting operations. You save time and materials and work with easy operations. OmniWin 2024 is the ideal tool for production planning with thermal cutting for oxyfuel, plasma and laser cutting with CNC machines.

+ Intuitive user interface
+ 30 percent time saving through simple operation and clear processes
+ Modern concept with workspace to keep overview over all the work
+ Clear database structure for the overview of parts, plans, offers and more
+ One shared database

+ Cutting processes oxyfuel, plasma, laser
+ Supports a wide range of marking methods such as dot peen, inkjet, punch, laser and plasma marking
+ Import of drilling operations
+ Integrated tool database
+ Drawing of drilling operations
+ Through holes, countersinks, tapping, deep hole drilling and spinning
+ Post processors with drilling support
+ Cutting multiple panels on one machine
+ Preconfigured machine profiles for standard machines
+ Preconfigured process databases
+ MesserHole ™ for precise parts


The OmniWin 2024 CAD/CAM system is technologically future-proof and ready for full integration into your Industry 4.0 applications. In interaction with OmniFab, you use OmniWin for the
+ pre-calculation of quotations,
+ live machine monitoring,
+ assignment to cutting jobs and
+ job monitoring as well as the
+ exchange of data with your ERP system

+ One shared database based on Microsoft SQL database technology
+ Multi users by modern Single seat and Network topology with floating license model and database
+ Multi language support: German, Danish, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish, Dutch, Chinese, Norwegian, Slovenian, Polish, Czech, Tsakhurian


Messer Cutting Systems GmbH

Otto-Hahn-Straße 2-4
64823 Groß-Umstadt

+49 6078 787 0
+49 6078 787 150

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OmniWin 2024 Features

+ Single/Multi import of AutoCAD files (.DXF, .DWG, .DWF) DSTV files (.NC, .NC1, .XML), Excel files (.XLS), or IGES files (.IGS, .IGES), Solidworks* files (.SLDPRT, .SLDASM), PNL files
+ Individual import of DIN and ESSI drawings
+ Reading of pictures (JPG, PNG) scans with recognition of component contours
+ Automatic layer translation
+ Automatic error corrections
+ Adoption of component metadata
+ Easy import via SolidWorks* or Autodesk Inventor** interface
+ Transfer technologies of nested components to identical components
+ Unfolding of bending parts
+ Disassembly of modules

3D Import of:
+ STEP / STP files (AP203, AP214, AP242)
+ Siemens SolidEdge (V18 – SE 2023)
+ Autodesk Inventor (V11 – 2024)
+ Dassault Systèmes CATIA (V5 R8 to V5–6 R2023)
+ Siemens NX (11 – NX 2306)
+ Siemens Parasolid (9.0 – 35.0.149)
+ PTC Pro/E (16 – Creo 10.0)
+ Rhinoceros 3D (version 2 to 7)

Minimum requirement for 3D import is OmniWin Edition Enhanced

* A SolidWorks license required with installation on the same PC
** An Autocad Inventor or viewer required with installation on the same PC

+ Numerous positioning, drawing, grouping and labeling functions
+ Parameterizable macros
+ Automatic dimensioning of components and plates
+ 3D view of vertical and bevel components
+ Extensive drawing functions for geometric shapes and labelling
+ Support of absolute and relative as well as polar and orthogonal coordinates
+ Conversion of text objects into closed contours and/or line contours
+ Alignment of text objects to arcs
+ A wide range of Zoom, Snap, Convert and Group functions e.g. trimming of protruding contours
+ Insertion of dimensioning objects
+ Definition of bevel information and quality attributes on sub-contours
+ 3D view of vertical cut or bevel parts
+ Optional setting of start points per contour
+ CAD profiles to support individual configurations

+ Short calculation times
+ Configurable technology database
+ Copy, mirror, rotate and move with collision control
+ Component and contour sequences automatically optimized based on rules or set manually
+ Automatically optimized component, inner contour and process sequence
+ Automatic nesting of orders and projects
+ Reduction of non-productive times by minimizing rapid traverse
+ Reduction of the up and down movements of the torch with collision avoidance
+ Individually adjustable shapes, parameters and positions of lead and cut-out flags
+ Changing the cutting direction
+ Enable and disable contours
+ Automatic rounding of corners
+ Vaporization (Laser)
+ Simulation of the nesting plan

+ Fully integrated bevel cutting
+ The integrated time calculation ensures that your bevel nesting plans can be planned
+ Based on proven OmniBevel post processors and process databases
+ Fully integrated bevel cutting with all technologies (V,Y,X,K)
+ Automatic and manual sequencing of bevel cuts + Integrated time calculation ensures that your bevel nesting can be planned
+ Based on proven OmniBevel postprocessors and process databases
+ Bevel display in nesting plans and reports
+ Vaporization of bevel plans (laser)

Bevel cutting only available with Option Bevel

+ Completely integrated development of three-dimensional bodies in the plane
+ Large number of geometric bodies typical for apparatus and tank construction
+ Sorting of the geometries according to criteria in categories and subcategories
+ Fully integrated unfolding of three-dimensional solids in the plane
+ Large number of geometric solids typical for apparatus and tank construction
+ Sorting of geometries according to criteria in categories and subcategories

Only available with the Option Unfold

+ Optimization of cutting quality through the use of advanced technologies
+ Various stitch types for the different cutting technologies
+ Single and multiple stitches, manually and automatically applied
+ Thermal pre-piercing or pre-drilling for lead-ins
+ Bridges, also crossed
+ Common cuts
+ Corner loops
+ Rounding of corners
+ Any remnant plate geometries
+ Any plate geometry
+ Skeleton cuts
+ Cutting of stone mold cutting

Technology functions only available in OmniWin Professional

+ Tool sequencing
+ Optimize part sequence
+ Change contour sequence
+ Optimize sequence for heat distribution
+ Grouping

+ Marking of remnant plates
+ Automatic creation of remnant plate
+ Crop cuts
+ Manual splitting of remnant plates
+ Automatic remnant plate reports

+ Simulate tool movement
+ Check the cutting sense and the sequence of processing of the contours in your nesting plan
+ Adapt the speed of the simulation progress

+ Fully integrated order entry and oder management
+ Work order processing with order database

Only available in OmniWin Enhanced and OmniWin Professional

+ Import of drilling operations
+ Integrated tool database
+ Drawing of drilling operations
+ Through-hole drilling, countersinking, tapping, deep-hole drilling and spindling
+ Post-processors with drilling support

Only available with Option Drill

+ Supports machines with and without automatic carriage positioning
+ Changing of torch distances in the same plan
+ Dynamic connection and disconnection of torches
+ Automatic nesting for multiple torch heads

+ Individual user-based preview of NC programs and export of NC part programs, CSV, XML, DXF and DWG files for nesting plans
+ Machine profile based settings of production data storage locations
+ Preconfigured reports for parts and nesting plans
+ Automatically configured printing of nesting plan reports
+ Integrated report editor to customize the existing reports or to create your own reports



CADProfessional CAD Part and Plate CreationXXX
3-D Visual Rendering of parts and platesXXX
Standard Shapes LibraryXXX
Text conversion for Cut-outs or Marking tasksXXX
Import of SolidWorks* Part (SLDPRT) and Assembly (SLDAMP), Import of Autodesk Inventor* parts and assembliesXXX
Import of 3D drawing formats** (STEP, SolidEdge, and others) XX
Read and Translate Administration DataXXX
Import of images in BMP, JPG, PNG or TIF file formatsXXX
Import of nesting plans as DXF i.e. Auto Desk TRUNESTXXX
Reverse import of CNC files to DXFXXX
Automatic dimensioning of parts and platesXXX
CAD and NestingMS SQL Database for Parts, Nestings, Plates, Profiles and MachinesXXX
Fast Reports® Creator for professional reportsXXX
Professional designed workspaceXXX
Short Cut KeysXXX
Extensive dimensioning XXX
Extensve Snap ModesXXX
Manipulator Tool for rotation, copy, move and mirrorXXX
NestingProcess DatabaseXXX
Messer Hole Technology supports True Hole® or Contour CutXXX
Production Time EstimationXXX
Automatic Lead-in/out with CustomizationXXX
Cut Plan SimulatorXXX
Interactive nesting (Row and Column, Pattern Matrix) with Single or Multi-TorchXXX
Collision AvoidanceXXX
Process OptimizationXXX
Modify Part, Interior Profile or Marking SequenceXXX
Technology PartsXXX
Manual Crop CutXXX
Work Order Processing with Order Database XX
Automatic Nesting XX
Excel import of parts, order items and plates  X
Stone Mold Cutting  X
Stitches, Bridges, Common Cut, Corner Loops, Chain Cut, Automatic Corner Rounding  X
Skeleton Cut Up  X
Pre-Piercing and Pre-drilling (Option Drill required)  X
Remnant Plate Creation with Auto Crop Cut  X
* A SolidWorks license is required with installation on the same PC
* An Autocad Inventor or viewer is required with installation on the same PC



+ Option Bevel - Bevel Part Creation
+ Option Unfold - Unfold 3D Industrial Fittings
+ Option Boiler End (requires Option Bevel) - Dome Cutting
+ Option Mill - 2.5D Milling Support for Pocket Milling and Through Hole Milling (US only)
+ Option Drill - Drill support

Further Sotware Products


Digitize your production. Next level.


Best-in-class technology for bevel cutting

Although we are known for a 100 per cent focus on the requirements of cutting machine users, to us, the machine is only one component of the overall solution.

We offer our customers the most diverse solutions portfolio in the thermal cutting industry. Moreover, Messer Cutting Systems offers software solutions, original spare and wear parts, a broad spectrum of services and numerous additional options to upgrade your machine in an optimal way.

We are able to find the right end-to-end solution for your specific requirements: Contact us via the enquiry form and discover holistic solutions that will give you a decisive competitive advantage - today and in the future.


Exploit all the possibilities of cutting – with machines, tools and technologies that take your production to a new level.


Maximise your machine utilisation and increase productivity with our modular automation solutions.



Experience 360-degree services and ensure maximum availability: For and around the entire machine life cycle.


Know how

Benefit from our experience, our successfully realised projects - our know how. Through practical training and consultation.