With the PTC500, Messer Cutting Systems offers a pipe cutting system for its OmniMat® and MultiTherm® ranges of machines. The core is the offline software which makes the required machine axis control possible in perfect interaction with the Messer machine control Global Controlplus. Plasma is available as the cutting process.
Processing of round pipes up to a diameter of 500 mm is possible with the PTC500. With this the pipes can be cut:
- with a Plasma torch perpendicular to the pipe surface with the pipe axis rotating or
- using the bevel cutting units Skew Rotator Delta and Skew Rotator Infinity with weld preparations of up to 45° relative to the pipe surface.

The central axis of the pipe can be variably adjusted with a manual setting. An internal extraction through the pipe is an integral part of the system.
Messer Cutting Systems GmbH
Otto-Hahn-Straße 2-4
64823 Groß-Umstadt